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Red Rose School, Berasia Road is affiliated by the Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. The courses of School studies are designed as a preparation for the Madhya Pradesh High School and Higher Secondary School Certificate Examinations held at the end of Std. X and Std. XII respectively. The School offers choice of courses such as Mathematics, Biology and Commerce Streams for Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination.


Our Mission

The School's motto " We Create Future Prospects" inscribed in the inner circle depicts the School's philosophy of education that the principle goal of education is to create people who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done - people who are creative, inventive and discoverers. The second aim of education is to form minds that can be critical, can verify facts and not accept everything they are offered.


Our Vision

We endeavor to develop and achieve the educational objectives where all aspects of development physical, intellectual social and emotional have been taken into account with utmost care and personal attention that the child needs at this age.

As in any well balanced educational system in which the development of the total being is stressed we encourage our students to achieve excellence in academics, sports, co-curricular activities as well as character building.

Red Rose School believe in high standards of discipline appropriate behavior and proper conduct at all times and hence students are encouraged to conduct themselves at all times in a manner which bring credit not only to themselves but will also make the school proud of them. All faculty members share responsibility to ensure that good discipline is maintained.

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